Hey there! I’m Becky. I’m the person living in the Hans Homestead. My husband Scott and I are empty nesters (sort of). I’m not sure if it’s considered an empty nest, when the fledglings keep coming back to the roost! We have two daughter’s, Cori is married and Erica is in grad school. We are really close and enjoy doing a lot of activities together. You will most likely see them a lot around here.

We live on a little slice of heaven. It’s three acres of land, north of Pittsburgh, PA. We built our house as owner/builder contractors in 1995. Now our twenty-five year old home is ready for a revamp. We will be sharing our journey of DIY renovation on the blog. We love it here, but we also love to travel. Last year Scott talked me into buying a travel trailer. During the warm months we plan on visiting somewhere new once a month. If you have wanderlust like we do, stick around and I’ll show you what we find!!

When we are at home, we are generally busy doing something. As my mom would say “No dust settles around us”! During the winter you can find us working on the interior of the house. Spring, Summer and Fall, the outdoors calls our names. We love to garden, boat, camp, and vacation. You name an outdoor activity and we are usually doing it. I love to cook and so does Scott! We love to try new recipes and then put our own spin on things.

I hope you will find the homestead a place to find some great information as well as a laugh or two. Stick around and let me know if you like what you see.


All information provided for projects is from my own personal experience. Before attempting to do any project, please be sure to follow all building codes in your area. If you feel uncomfortable with any project, please seek out professional assistance in the specific field of expertise.

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FIND ME ON IG @thehanshomestead